FighterSweep Fans, our friends from the 148th Fighter Wing in Duluth, Minnesota will be deploying sometime next month to provide PACific Air Forces (PACAF) with a Theater Security Package. The Bulldogs will be stationed at Osan Air Base, which sits approximately forty miles south of the DMZ, and is also home to our friends at the 36th Fighter Squadron (Harrumph!) and the 25th Fighter Squadron (Pil Sung!).
Approximately 12 F-16s and 300 Airmen from the 148th Fighter Wing are set to deploy to Osan Air Base, about 40 miles south of Seoul, South Korea beginning the week of April 10.
The Minnesota Air National Guard’s 148th Fighter Wing, an element of Air Combat Command, is deploying fighter aircraft to the region in order to provide U.S. Pacific Command and Pacific Air Forces with Theater Security Packages, which help maintain a deterrent against threats to regional security and stability.
According to Col. Jon Safstrom, 148th Fighter Wing Commander, the Airmen of the 148th are ready and well-trained for this deployment. “The Bulldogs are both prepared and excited to help America fulfill its charge in the Asia-Pacific Theater of operations. Movement of U.S. Air Force Theater Support Packages into the region has been a routine and integral part of U.S. Pacific Command’s force posture since March 2004.”

A Block 50 F-16CJ “Super Weasel” departs on a Sentry Savannah mission. (Photo by Jonathan Derden)
“It’s time to deploy and our leadership is ready,” said Brig. Gen. Sandy Best, Minnesota Air National Guard Chief of Staff. “Our mission is to support our nation’s continued commitment to regional stability and security around the world. Our Airmen are always ready and well-trained to engage in any state or federal mission when called.”
The upcoming mission to South Korea is the sixth overseas deployment for the 148th Fighter Wing since 2005.