Air Combat Command has confirmed that earlier this afternoon at approximately 1PM, an F-16 from the United States Air Force’s aerial demonstration team, the Thunderbirds, crashed following a performance at the US Air Force Academy’s graduation. The jet was reportedly Thunderbird #6, piloted by Major Alex Turner. Turner ejected safely, and could be seen under chute, while the jet appears to have come to rest in a field, largely intact, and no injury to person or property has been reported.
The last time a Thunderbirds aircraft crashed was during a 2003 performance at Mountain Home AFB in Idaho, also resulting in a successful ejection.
Exactly why Turner ejected is not known at this time, but we’re happy he’s safe on deck! More information to follow as it becomes available.

Thunderbird #6 rests in a field near Colorado Springs after pilot Maj Alex Turner ejected (photo courtesy Travis Rock)